Ryder Cup European Development Trust Launches New Website
18th Sep 2014
The Ryder Cup European Development Trust (RCEDT) has unveiled its completely redesigned website that showcases the many and varied ways that The Trust has supported grass roots golf since its inception in 2004.
RCEDT Project Focus: Robert Kalkman Foundation Continues to Develop Dutch Youngsters
27th Jul 2014
The Robert Kalkman Foundation was established in 2007 by former Dutch…
Official Bidding Process Announced for the 2022 Ryder Cup
23rd Jun 2014
Ryder Cup Europe has today announced the opening of the official Bidding Process for countries wishing to host The 2022…
Academy Reaches Out
17th Jun 2014
A Bedfordshire golf academy is taking big strides to bring the sport to Luton’s Asian and eastern Europeans communities.
Mikael Sorling to Chair Ryder Cup European Development Trust
13th Mar 2014
Sweden’s Mikael Sorling has been appointed as Chairman of the Ryder Cup European Development Trust (RCEDT), the fund that channels profits from the biennial Matches against the USA into pan-continental grass roots development projects.
24th PGAs of Europe Annual Congress Hailed Best Yet
19th Dec 2013
The PGAs of Europe 2013 Annual Congress has received glowing praise from the attending delegates, guests and International Team…
European Tour Roadshows Visit Malta
16th Dec 2013
Three wonderful days getting people trying out of golf have just been held over this holiday weekend at the Tigne Point Shopping Complex. The event was an initiative of The PGA of Malta in coordination with the Malta Golf Association and was made possible through the courtesy of The European Tour, The Ryder Cup European Development Trust, The R&A and The PGAs of Europe.
Portuguese Golf Federation Launches Project Drive
24th Aug 2013
With the objective of promoting the practice of golf among the Portuguese, the Portuguese Golf Federation (FPG) will launch the program Youth Development 2013-2016. The goal is to promote the sport at the youth, involving relevant institutions and civil society.
M2M Russian Open Helps Grow the Game
27th Jul 2013
The M2M Russian Open provided the perfect opportunity to introduce the people of Russia to the game of golf at Tseleevo Golf and Polo Club thanks to free lessons provided by The European Tour, The Ryder Cup European Development Trust, The R&A, The PGAs of Europe and The PGA of Russia.
Italy Opens its Doors to its Golfing Public
21st Jul 2013
New horizons of possibility for the development of golf in Italy opened up recently…thanks to a grant from the Ryder Cup European Development Trust.