Ryder Cup European Development Trust

European Tour Roadshows Visit Malta

Posted on: 16th Dec 2013

Three wonderful days getting people trying out of golf have just been held over this holiday weekend at the Tigne Point Shopping Complex. The event was an initiative of The PGA of Malta in coordination with the Malta Golf Association and was made possible through the courtesy of The European Tour, The Ryder Cup European Development Trust, The R&A and The PGAs of Europe.

The three days were very busy for the PGA professionals and their young helpers with many people, especially youngsters, stopping at the inflatable nets to try out the sport. A number of participants got their swing recorded on video which will be forwarded to them individually inviting them to consider starting golf as a sport.

In particular, a young 4 year old boy caught everyone’s attention. Child protection policy prevents us from sharing his video but his natural grip; stance; weight transfer and follow through were to be admired. There must be other promising youngsters out there and we are excited at the prospect of taking the game to schools to try and get this talent out playing the game.

This article orinigally appeared on MaltaGolf.org – http://eur.pe/1cWEnVF.

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